5 Tips For Painting Mid-century Modern Furniture Like A Pro

5 Tips For Painting Mid-century Modern Furniture Like A Pro

If you’re looking to add a touch of class to your home and want to revive an old piece of furniture, mid-century modern furniture is the way to go! Mid-century modern furniture is popular for its sleek design and functionality. Whether you’re looking to make a piece of furniture look modern or just add a little bit of character to your home, this style of furniture is perfect for you. Here are five tips for painting mid-century modern furniture like a pro.

What is Mid-century Modern Furniture?

5 Tips For Painting Mid-century Modern Furniture Like A Pro -  A Place Called Home GA 2

Mid-century modern furniture, also known as post-war modern, is a popular style of furniture that was popular in the 1950s and 1960s. The furniture is often made of plastic or metal and has a sleek, modern look. Mid-century modern furniture is often used in homes today because it has a modern look that is updated but still classic.

MCM furniture can be easily refinished with a few simple steps. If you’re looking to work on an MCM-style project, your best bet to finding the perfect furniture piece is probably a vintage store or online retailer. Vintage stores often have a wider selection of furniture than online retailers, and they tend to be more affordable too.

Supplies You’ll Need

Tips for Painting Mid-century Modern Furniture

5 Tips For Painting Mid-century Modern Furniture Like A Pro - A Place Called Home GA 2

Tip #1: Always Prep Before Anything Else

When refinishing MCM furniture, you should always consider the prep. As usual, we recommend giving the furniture a deep clean with a mix of Fusion TSP Alternative and warm water. Use the bucket and the sponge to work on the deep clean. You can read more about how to prep furniture in a recent blog post.

If the furniture’s already painted, you’ll need to remove those using a clean cloth or brush. If the piece has been damaged in some way – such as burn marks or dents – you’ll need to fix those first before refinishing. Once the old paint is removed, you can start sanding down the surface of the furniture using medium-grit sandpaper. Don’t overdo it – you just want to smooth out any bumps and imperfections.

Tip #2: Sand Your Furniture Surface

Use an orbital sander to sand smooth the filler, as well as scuff sand the rest of your piece. You want to make sure that the surface is as level as possible before you start painting. This way, you can avoid any unevenness in the finished project. In addition, sanding will also help to remove any existing wax or sealant that may have been applied.

Tip #3: Choose Colors That Pop

Mid-century modern furniture often has a bright and bold color palette, which can be a great way to inject some life into an otherwise drab room. When choosing complementary colors, it’s important to think about the overall feel you’re going for.

For example, if you want your room to appear more cheerful and inviting, go for warmer colors such as orange or pink. On the other hand, if you’re aiming for a more sophisticated look, choose cooler tones such as green or blue. Here are some of our color pairing recommendations:

You can also check out our list of colors for 2022 for inspiration.

Whatever color scheme you choose, be sure to mix things up a bit so your furniture looks fresh and new every time you move it around. Above all else, have fun mixing and matching colors you feel are best for your piece!

Tip #4: Don’t Sleep on High-Quality Paint Brushes

When choosing a brush, be sure to consider its size and shape. For example, a round brush is great for larger areas while a flat brush is better for smaller details. Experiment with different types of brushes until you find the ones that work best for your project. And never go for cheap, $1 brushes you find anywhere. Settle for high-quality tools!

For any mid-century modern furniture project, we recommend using the Staalmeester One Round Brush and Fusion Mineral Paint’s 2-inch Angled Brush. If you need tips on how to properly paint with no brush strokes, check out our easy-to-read guide here.

Tip #5: Use Topcoat That Works Best With Your Paint

After you’ve finished painting, it’s important to use a topcoat that will protect your newly-painted furniture.

Fusion has a Brush On Gel Stain and Topcoat that’s perfect for any furniture project possible. Almost any surface can be treated with Gel Stains with very little preparation (other than dusting off!). This includes previously finished, scratched, painted, etc. surfaces.

Cleaning and removing any wax or grease is almost all that is necessary with the Brush On Gel Stain and Topcoat. You don’t have to sand very much or de-gloss by applying the product. This makes a huge difference for your mid-century modern furniture project.


Mid-century modern furniture is a versatile style that can add a touch of class to any home. By following these five simple tips, you can paint your furniture like a pro. If you’re eager to learn more about painting furniture with Fusion Mineral Paint, we have upcoming workshops for you to join!

Also, follow us on Instagram for more updates, event announcements, and other surprises. Thanks for reading!

Picture of Gaynelle Khan

Gaynelle Khan

A certified Fusion Mineral Paint merchant… we carry the full Fusion line and love refinishing furniture and teaching customers how to “Paint It Beautiful”!

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Gaynelle Khan
A certified Fusion Mineral Paint merchant… we carry the full Fusion line and love refinishing furniture and teaching customers how to “Paint It Beautiful”!
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