Flip Furniture on a Budget

flip furniture on a budget

Did you ever plan to flip furniture but weren’t sure where to start? The best way to improve the look of furniture that looks old is to flip it. You’d feel like you’re restoring a life that’s been on the edge for so long.

Flipping furniture can be done in several ways. However, doing it within your budget is highly recommended. You can follow my simple tutorial to flip furniture below!

Prepare Everything Ahead

Before you start your project, you must prepare everything to achieve the result you’re aiming for. It includes the step-by-step process of how the flip furniture would take place and all the materials you’ll need.

To start your flip furniture, you must prepare at least a timetable for the tasks you’ll perform consecutively. Having one is essential, so you’ll have an intricate procedure—keeping your work organized.

As for the materials, you’re going to need the following:

It is also essential to check the furniture for any existing damages before doing the work. You want to work smoothly without unnecessary interruptions due to unchecked injuries.

Remove All The Dirt

After preparing the materials, start cleaning your furniture. To do this, dilute the Fusion TSP Alternative into a container with a 1:5 ratio of warm water. Transfer it to a spray bottle and start spraying on furniture. Then, as the dirt breaks away, use the paper towels to remove the dirt and absorb excess water.

Remove the Old Finish With Sandpaper

Moving on, you’re going to remove the old finishing that has been there for ages. With 150 or 220 Grit Sandpaper, firmly scrub it all over the furniture to altogether remove it. Afterward, use the 220 grit to remove your furniture from the remaining residue.

Once again, spray your furniture with Fusion TSP Alternative to remove the dust—then wipe it out with the Blue Shop Towel before going to the next step of your flip furniture.

Apply BIN Shellac Primer to the Base

Start applying the BIN Shellac Primer to the base of your furniture. By doing this, you prevent any bleed-through from the wood and the remaining residue of the old finish.

Then with a Painter’s Tape, tape off the top of the furniture before you start painting.

Get Your Painting Started

Now that it’s all set and done, you can start painting the interior with 2 coats of your first choice of Fusion Mineral Paint using an angled brush. Do this with much less pressure.

The next thing to do is paint the entire base of your furniture with 2 coats of the second color using a Staalmeester Round Brush for its full coverage.

I recommend playing around with Fusion’s new summer collection! Conservatory with Willowbank is a great combination, in my opinion!

Flip Furniture With Fusion's New Summer Collection - A Place Called Home GA 2
Conservatory – Fusion Mineral Paint
Flip Furniture With Fusion's New Summer Collection - A Place Called Home GA 2
Willowbank – Fusion Mineral Paint

Remove the Painter’s Tape

Now that the paint has dried out, gently peel the Painter’s Tape off the base to create stripes. You can start designing this part of your flip furniture based on your creative ideas. Doing it artistically or simplistically would depend on you—the sky’s the limit!

The Appealing Conclusion of Your Flip Furniture

Flipping furniture is one of the best ways to save your old piece from time’s judgment by improving its looks. Following this simple step-by-step tutorial, you ensure that your furniture can start over with a majestic look—making it an attractive addition to your home.

When it’s done in a budget-friendly manner, flip furniture becomes a worthwhile experience. Not only that you can save your furniture with high-quality paint, but you can also save more of your money!

Share your flip furniture projects on social! Tag us on Instagram, too! I would love to see your work! Cheers!

Picture of Gaynelle Khan

Gaynelle Khan

A certified Fusion Mineral Paint merchant… we carry the full Fusion line and love refinishing furniture and teaching customers how to “Paint It Beautiful”!

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Gaynelle Khan
A certified Fusion Mineral Paint merchant… we carry the full Fusion line and love refinishing furniture and teaching customers how to “Paint It Beautiful”!
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